Saturday, July 18, 2009

Wisdom of the World - for FREE

For many years, motivational speaker James Rohn has pushed the importance of self-education.

'Wisdom of the World - for FREE' just by getting a Library Card and visiting your local library.

These days, with the advent of the Internet, a mind boggling array of free audio, video and text content is readily available at our disposal.

Whether you want to build a boat, a bike or a business, with just a little time and effort visiting your local library, and/or searching online, you are likely to find heaps of quality information to help you achieve your goals.

How much does it cost to get a Library Card?

Absolutely nothing - they're free.

How many people have a library card and use it regularly?

The answer - but a very small percentage of the adult population.

How can that be?

Surely it can't get any easier than FREE?

As Rohn laments, the reason people don't get that library card and read the books is that they still have to actually DO SOMETHING to get it ie. life won't deliver success to your doorstep without you first applying for it.

Many libraries also offer free i
nternet access as part of their range of services for those who don't have ready access to computers at home.

Mark Twain, often referred to as the father of American literature, was quoted as saying
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do."

Don't be scared to seek help from the
'Wisdom of the World' in defining your own journey ahead for the next 20 years.

It is FREELY available to you today for the small cost of taking ACTION.

Follow Your Dreams with confidence. Look around you every day and see the POSITIVE in other people. Compliment it - encourage it in others, and in yourself.

There has never been a better time than RIGHT NOW to start living the life YOU dream of living.

If you are interested in exploring a range of low cost, TAX FREE income stream opportunities, please visit and browse the many products available for review.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Never too late to hit your High Notes in Life

Cleo Laine is widely regarded as having one of the greatest female voices of the modern era.

In 1995 she released an album 'Solitude', featuring songs by Duke Ellington.

At the end of
"I'm Beginning to See the Light", Laine sings an 'F' above high 'C' with extraordinary ease, power, taste, tone and technique.

Very few professional singers, in their prime, can climb anywhere near that range without the voice sounding frail, pinched or screechy.

What makes this particular high 'F' even more sensational is that Laine was 68 years
'young' at the time it was recorded. Now in her 80's, Cleo continues to perform and record, inspiring us all to live out our lives to the fullest, regardless of our age.

How often are you hitting your own 'high notes' in life?

Do you think the good years have passed you by?

In the 21st Century, opportunities abound around us all every day. 50 is the new 40. People are achieving success later
(& earlier) in life like never before.

Late Bloomers are nothing new.

Ray Kroc was aged 53 years when he opened his first McDonalds Restaurant. Harland Sanders was 65 when he franchised Kentucky Fried Chicken. At age 87, Gloria Stuart was nominated for her first Academy Award for an acting role in the movie, Titanic.

Clearly, finding SUCCESS in life is age independent, but maintaining a positive ATTITUDE is so important in the search for health, wealth and happiness.

Follow Your Dreams with confidence. Look around you every day and see the POSITIVE in other people. Compliment it - encourage it in others, and in yourself.

There has never been a better time than RIGHT NOW to start living the life YOU dream of living.

If you are interested in exploring a range of low cost, TAX FREE income stream opportunities, please visit and browse the many products available for review.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Learn How to Turn Failure into Success

It is easy to forget that behind many of the greatest success stories in life lies a tangled web of former mis-fortune, failure, bankruptcy, lost opportunity and despair. It is not what life deals out that matters, but rather how we choose to respond to the challenges we face.

Focus your attention on finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems.

Solutions = Success

Problems = Pain

Take comfort in knowing you are not alone in having to confront failure on a daily basis.

Thomas Edison held over 1000 US Patents for his inventions, yet was told by a teacher at school that he was
'too stupid to learn anything'. It took Edison close to 10,000 failed attempts before he introduced the first incandescent light bulb to the world. Edison did not regard any of his trials as a failure, rather just confirmation of one more proven way not to make a light bulb.

Ludwig van Beethoven, widely regarded as one of the supreme classical composers, was rated by his music teacher as being 'hopeless at composition'. During his career he lost his hearing, yet still managed to produce an enormous volume of quality output. A deaf man composing some of the world's most memorable music of all time? Clearly Ludwig knew how to turn perceived early failure into success, despite a devastating physical handicap.

The first cartoon production made by Walt Disney took him into bankruptcy. Newspaper editors of the time ridiculed him as having
'no idea about animation and film production'. Today the Walt Disney Company generates in excess of $30 Billion USD annually. An extraordinary success founded on the very dreams of a young man who refused to be frightened by failure.

So, what are the keys to prevent Failure from freezing one's dream for success.

The motivational speaker, Anthony Robbins, is fond of using the phrase 'take MASSIVE action' towards your goals and dreams. It is only through relentless ACTION that one's fear of failure can be overcome.

Imagine what it must have been like for Edison to see his 8,127th attempt at building a usable light globe go up in smoke..... again.

What would you have done?

Edison simply set off making changes to the design that produced his 8,128th attempt in the search of success. In doing so he refused to regard his constant march towards a clearly defined goal as being in any way a failure.

Decide today what it is you most want to achieve from the next 24 hours on planet earth. Make your goal realistic and achievable.

Set a course of MASSIVE ACTION to achieve that goal - and see it through to a conclusion.

Focus on what you have at your disposal to achieve your dreams - not on what you don't have.

Remember the timeless truth in the Persian Proverb of old :-
"I wept because I had no shoes - until I met a man who had no feet".

Follow Your Dreams with confidence. Look around you every day and see the POSITIVE in other people. Compliment it - encourage it in others, and in yourself.

There has never been a better time than RIGHT NOW to start living the life YOU dream of living.

If you are interested in exploring a range of low cost, TAX FREE income stream opportunities, please visit and browse the many products available for review.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

You're only as good as the company you keep

Australian Jazz Trumpet great, James Morrison, opens his autobiography with the following tribute:-
"For my old friend and mentor, Don Burrows, who once said, 'You're only as good as the company you keep'. In his company I've been my best."

Don Burrows, now in his 80's and still very active, is widely regarded as Australia's greatest ever Jazz musician, a certified 'living legend' of the Australian music industry.

Belief in the benefit of hanging around good company is not new.

Napoleon Hill, author of
Think and Grow Rich, states in that well read masterpiece "The road to success is never easy, but you don't have to go it alone. You can access the same principle employed by large corporations and the super rich—The Master Mind Principle."

Hill promotes the concept of a brains trust of like minded, positive people, who meet regularly to motivate and encourage each other towards greater success in life.

Too often we try to go through life 'alone' even though we may be surrounded by countless work colleagues, friends and family.

Albert Camus, the 1957 Nobel Prize recipient for literature, once wrote:-
"Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

Isn't that a beautiful view on what's really important in life, particularly in a world so busy, troubled and often devoid of good character as we find it in the 21st Century.

Linus Torvals, the creator, muse and chief developer of the Linux computer operating system was interviewed for CIO magazine in May 2009. In an article titled
'Things I've Learned', Torval listed the following as paramount to the spectacular growth and success his company and the Linux system has enjoyed worldwide:-

1) Find People you can TRUST
2) Be trust-worthy yourself
3) Don't be afraid to say what you think
4) Let others have their say

Burrows, Morrison, Hill, Camus and Torvalds all made remarkable imprints on the communities in which they lived and continue to inspire millions with their words, music, software and teachings.

Collectively they believed strongly in good company, good character, true friendship and the power of trust.

In troubled times we could all do well to reflect on those key human traits and work on developing them within ourselves and within our own, special, MasterMind groups.

Follow Your Dreams with confidence. Look around you every day and see the POSITIVE in other people. Compliment it - encourage it in others, and in yourself.

There has never been a better time than RIGHT NOW to start living the life YOU dream of living.

If you are interested in exploring a range of low cost, TAX FREE income stream opportunities, please visit and browse the many products available for review.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

You Can Have Everything You Want......

The popular American motivational speaker Zig Ziglar often quotes a fundamental truth ie. "You can have everything you want in life, if you just help enough other people get what they want."

There is so much to learn from that simple statement.

If you want a smile, give someone else a smile. Persist with offering your gift to the universe until someone smiles back at you. It may not happen on your first, second, or even fifth attempt... but it WILL HAPPEN, that is, IF you persist. Ziglar's quote is a fundamental truth of how human interaction takes place on planet Earth.

Fundamental truths never go out of style.

If you're short on friends BE A FRIEND to someone who desperately needs one.... and Watch What Happens.

If you're short on Money, offer quality information, service or products to the marketplace. Persist with marketing those products at a fair price and you will achieve your financial goals.

No-one said life would be easy.

The journey towards achieving your personal and financial goals will most likely be fraught with many obstacles and failures to be overcome along the way.

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, and for many years regarded as the Richest Man in the World, was quoted as saying "It's fine to celebrate success, but it's more important to heed the lessons of failure."

Don't be frightened by failure. Treat failure as an opportunity to learn and grow.

The greatest satisfaction in life comes from taking part in THE JOURNEY more so than in reaching the destination.

In business, if you focus on providing solutions for what OTHER PEOPLE want, you will find a never ending stream of needs waiting to be filled at a fair price.

We live in an abundant universe. There is no shortage of human needs waiting to be addressed.

Adequately service the age old 'What's in it for me?' question in enough other peoples minds, and you will indeed find that You Can Have Everything You Want in this life.

Follow Your Dreams with confidence. Look around you every day and see the POSITIVE in other people. Compliment it - encourage it in others, and in yourself.

There has never been a better time than RIGHT NOW to start living the life YOU dream of living.

If you are interested in exploring a range of low cost, TAX FREE income stream opportunities, please visit and browse the many products available for review.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Simple Secret of Unlimited Abundance

In harsh economic times, people often run 'scared' and follow the herd into sheltered bunkers of mediocrity and inactivity.

Survival mode - fight or flight - takes over and people stop spending the same money they freely splashed around just 6 or 12 months ago.

They stop spending on entertainment - on personal treats like quality food and clothing. On 'fun things' for themselves and their families. As they do all of this, they wonder why so many businesses around them have 'For Lease' & 'Closing Down Today' signs in the window.

Why their neighbour was retrenched from work at the Cinema, Restaurant or Book Store last week?

As the herd stop living their normal lives, normal living conditions for so many begin to deteriorate too.

Importantly, people simply STOP THINKING and become obsessed with the latest horror stories of financial, family and physical ruin blasted across the TV screens and newspaper headlines worldwide.

Economic cycles occur in life, just as the four seasons occur right on cue each year. There is NOTHING to be AFRAID ABOUT.

Instead of being afraid it is time for us all to review one of the true secrets for UNLIMITED ABUNDANCE in this Universe.

If we focus on fear, scarcity and hard times - that is exactly what the universe will provide us with.

If on the other hand we FOCUS on ABUNDANCE in our lives ie. our financial, personal, emotional, physical and spiritual lives; then a life full of abundance is exactly what we will discover waiting for us on the other side of those thoughts and focus.

Dr Wayne Dwyer wrote a wonderful book many years ago called 'You'll See It When You Believe It'.

Isn't that a fascinating title for a book that became an all time best seller?

Think back in your own life.

Do you remember the times when you just knew you would pass that exam, score that kiss, win that race, get that promotion? What did it feel like when your DREAMS turned into REALITY?

Henry Ford once said "
If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right." In other words, it is YOUR MIND that sets the outcome from the outset.

Ford went onto say "
It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste."

The most important thing to do RIGHT NOW is to TAKE POSITIVE ACTION in your life.

Follow Your Dreams with confidence. Look around you every day and see the POSITIVE in other people. Compliment it - encourage it in others, and in yourself.

There has never been a better time than RIGHT NOW to start living the life YOU dream of living.

If you are interested in exploring a range of low cost, TAX FREE income stream opportunities, please visit and browse the many products available for review.